Friday, October 3, 2008

Bailout backers received fatter checks

House members in favor of the bailout received 54% more money from banks and firms than members not in favor.

According to, bank and security firms gave an average of $231,877 in campaign contributions to each Representative in favor of the bailout in the past five years. The same banks and securities firms gave an average of $150,982 to each representative voting against the bailout.

Both House Republicans and House Democrats received an average of $212,877 each when voting "yes" for the bailout. Republicans voting no received an average of $181,688 each, but Democrats received an average of $101,993.

This is half of what Democrats received to vote in the affirmative. has found the financial services sector has contributed more money to Congress candidates, Presidential candidates, and political parties than any other sector. The total amount given since 2007 to present is $339,649,585.

Click here for more information.

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