Monday, October 20, 2008

Books to read your kids during financial crisis

As hard times hit, our children must deal with our stress, anxiety and anger. Over what? Money.

Now is the time to introduce books to our children that portray times that were worse. Reading about others who survived during rough conditions is a great coping device.

Erica S. Perl of writes of when she was a child, "One of the ways I coped was by burying my nose in books and discovering kids who had it worse than I did."

For example, Laura Ingalls' father who repeatedly hitches up the wagon to bring his family to the middle of nowhere. Or Matilda, who discovers her only friend Miss Honey lives in poverty.

Reading is a free endeavor and an incredible learning tool.

Here's a list of five books recommended for children during tough times:

Five Little Peppers and How They Grew
Little House on The Prairie
Ramona and Her Father
Tight Times

Or visit for great kid's books on financial ruin.

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