Thursday, July 10, 2008

STICKER SHOCK: Gas Prices Prompt Pump Prayers

With the cost of gas going nowhere but up, consumers are looking for more and more ways to find relief for their wallets. According to a story in The Washington Post, a group of drivers in the DC area are traveling to gas stations and asking their higher power to bring prices down.

Their organization, known as “Pray at the Pump,” holds and organizes prayer sessions at gas stations around the country.

When critics mention that prices have yet to move in the right direction, Rocky Twyman, the group’s leader, has an answer.

"Our pockets are empty, but we're going to hold on to God," Twyman tells the Washington Post. He cautions against expecting any immediate results from the group’s divine requests.

Despite the fact that the average price of gas has gone up about 50 cents since Twyman’s group first began their prayers in April, they’re not discouraged.

It certainly seems like it might take a miracle to get prices back down where they belong.

--Bridget O'Sullivan

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