Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mass. heating oil jumps $1,300 higher this winter

According to Mass AREA (Mass. Affordable Reliable Electricity Alliance), those who use oil to heat their homes can expect to pay $1,300 more than last year to heat their home.

Here are a few low-cost tips from the group to save:

*Turn down the temperature of your water heater to the warm setting (120°F).

*Clean or replace furnace and heat-pump filters regularly

*Install low-flow shower heads and faucet aerators

*Change the five most-used lights in your home to compact fluorescent lamps and you’ll save more than $60 every year in energy costs

*Unplug that second, old refrigerator! Today’s models use at least 40% less energy than even the conventional models sold in 2001.

*Lower your thermostat – for every degree you save about 2 percent off your heating bill.

*Weather strip doors and windows – properly air sealing cracks and openings in your home can significantly reduce heating and cooling costs, improve building durability, and create a healthier indoor environment

*Use Power Strips – plug your electronics into power strips – especially televisions and computers. When you’re done using them, turn the power strip off to prevent the stand-by mode that draws unnecessary electricity

*Use the air dry setting on your dishwasher

*Keep shades and curtains open during the day on the south side of your home to allow solar heating. Close them at night to retain heat.

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