Wednesday, July 9, 2008

DRIVER'S ED: Become A Road Warrior

With gas prices through the roof, it makes sense to pay attention to the hidden pitfalls that can take money out of your wallet. At Consumer United, we want to make sure you’re not spending more than you have to for anything.

Here are a few tips:

*Pay close attention to the fine print. Some gas stations are charging customers more if they pay with credit cards. Make sure no hidden fees are sneaking into your tank, even if it means forking over some old fashioned dollar bills.

*Calm it down. Braking and accelerating quickly use up more gas than if you drive consistently and keep your foot off the pedals.

*Keep the radio low and the windows up. When the windows are down, especially if you’re driving quickly, the car has to work harder to fight the resistance that the flow of air creates. Playing the radio quietly doesn’t save gas by itself, but it’s hard to resist flooring it when you’ve got AC DC blasting.

--Bridget O'Sullivan

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