Monday, June 30, 2008

Consumer United's Top 10 Savings Tips

Consumers now have more control of brands, not big corporations. Smart, business-savvy types embrace the shift in power rather than fight the cold, hard truth.

It's time to take control of your money. Here are our top 10 ways to save.

Speeding, rapid acceleration and braking waste gas and lower your highway gas mileage by up to 33% and your city mileage by up to 5%. Also, each 5 mph you drive over 60 mph is like paying an additional $0.20 per gallon for gas.

Chances are you’re paying too much for auto insurance. Consumer United’s 10% discount, plus our free assessment of each policy, has been saving our members on average $250-$500 a year. Call 1-866-686-2008 Mon-Fri 8am-7pm with your driver’s license to see how much you can save.

Installing storm windows can reduce heat loss (and money loss) through your windows by 25-50%. Plus, the government will actually pay you for certain energy-saving home improvements. Click HERE to learn what types of credits you can receive.

You can save on electricity by switching to one of the competitive electricity providers in the state. National Grid customers can get the lowest rate in the state by switching to MXenergy, and NSTAR customers can save 20% until 12/31/07 by switching to Dominion. Click HERE to learn more.

Setting your thermostat back to 55 degrees at night or when you’re out-of-town can save 5-20% on your heating costs.

Carefully positioned trees can save up to 25% of the energy a typical household uses for cooling.

If you smoke, you are hurting your wallet more than you realize. In fact, a 40-year old who quits smoking and puts the savings into a 401(k) could save almost $250,000 by age 70.

Determine your most important financial goals and begin saving regularly towards them. You’ll be more likely to save money if you have a tangible goal to look forward to.

Carry an index card in your wallet. When you see something you want to buy, write it on the card. Force yourself to wait at least a week before buying the item. During this time, if you find something else you want, write it down also, but limit the items on your card to three. This method can help curb impulse spending on new “must have” items.

Tomorrow when you wake up, challenge yourself to spend less money. Make your own coffee, bring a bagged lunch to work, make dinner at home, etc. Before going to bed, reflect on the money you saved throughout the day. When you realize how much you’ve saved simply by changing some habits, you can begin to make those habits into routines.

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