Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Inside Consumer United :: Krishna Ramachandran

Since January 2010, Krishna Ramachandran has been working hard as a Consumer United advocate in our insurance division. Born and raised in Hamilton, NJ, Ramachandran graduated from the University of Richmond in 2008 with a degree in Leadership Studies.

Ramachandran began his journey at Consumer United in our New Jersey insurance department, helping consumers in his home state to save money on their auto insurance. Currently, he's working to make sure our Texas-based members get the best deal on both home and auto insurance.

When asked about what he enjoys most about his job so far, Ramachandran was quick to mention the company's young and energetic culture. “I like the people I work with. Its great working with other young people who like to have fun during and after work,” he says.

What is Ramachandran's favorite way to save money? “I put a specific amount of money into my savings account each month as soon as I get paid so I will not be tempted to spend it on anything else,” he adds.

As far as financial advice, Ramachandran emphasizes the importance of being a well-educated shopper. “Always be an informed consumer and search for the best deal on any major purchases” he remarks.

When Ramachandran is not in the office, he enjoys spending time with his friends, listening to music, and jamming out on the drums. “I've played the drums for 15 years and love playing and listening to music” he ads. Before moving to Boston and joining Consumer United, Ramachandran was the drummer for Dr. Thunder, arguably one of the greatest alternative rock bands to ever come out of New Jersey.