"Uncertain supplies plus ever-increasing worldwide demand can equal unpredictable price spikes," says Alliance President Kateri Callahan, "but energy efficiency can help us change that equation."
Callahan continues, "The 33-cent surge in gas prices over the past two weeks--reflecting today's $100+ a barrel oil prices – puts into sharp focus the urgent need to put energy efficiency at the top of the list of our nation's fuel sources in order to reduce our dangerous and costly oil dependence."
In addition, the Alliance advises consumers at their Drive Smarter Challenge website to be more fuel efficient by taking steps to minimize gas consumption, such as carpooling, emptying their trunks and ensuring their tires are properly inflated.
"We must continue to improve fuel economy standards and encourage the use of all-electric and hybrid vehicles as well as options such as telecommuting and public transportation," Callahan continues. "Public transit saves the United States more than 11 million gallons of gasoline per day, or 4 billion gallons annually," she adds.