Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tips to hire the right solar panel installer

Installing solar panels is a smart, not to mention, eco-friendly way to heat your home. However, buying them may be too pricey for the average consumer. They cost roughly $25,000 ... and that includes a potential 30-percent tax credit.

Looking to turn up the heat, but don't want to get burned by the big investment? You're in luck.

It's important to do your homework and to make sure you hire the right solar installer before shelling out the cold, hard cash. Here are a few tips to help you navigate through the complexities of selecting the right installer.

1. Certification
Make sure the solar panel installer is certified by the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) before committing. The NABCEP maintains high standards and requires all of their installers to pass an exam before they're given the greenlight. Some legit installers aren't a part of the NABCEP, but make sure they have the proper training from panel-centric groups like the Solar Living Institute or Solar Energy International.

2. Subcontracting
While the installer may be certifed by the NABCEP, make sure that he or she isn't subcontracting the work to outside groups who aren't certified.

3. Insurance
Is the installer insured in case of an accident? Before you allow the installer to work on your home, make sure they have general liability insurance before signing up.

4. Shop around
It's important to request multiple bids before selecting an installer. Make sure the bids explicitly state how much you'll save on your energy bill after adding solar panels to your home. It may be worth the extra investment if the payback higher by using higher quality products or offers an extended warranty (it generally takes up to 10 years to finance a solar-panel system).

5. Location

Is the solar panel installer regional? Knowing the environment and typical weather patterns of your area is a must when selecting the right solar installer.

Click here for additional tips.