But, there's an ongoing battle waging in backyards across the country. Should barbecue enthusiasts opt for technology or tradition? Charcoal barbecues vs. gas grills?
Contrary to popular belief, taste tests have apparently discredited the myth that food cooked on a charcoal barbecue has a better flavor than hamburgers prepared on gas grills. Word is that the smokey goodness comes doesn't come from the charcoal itself, but from the evaporation juices in the flames which are re-absorbed into the food.
Gas grills, which ignite on command, are easier to clean and have heating controls which can control the intensity of the cooking process. With charcoal grills, it's all or nothing.
In contrast, the traditional charcoal grills are more cost-efficient compared to their pricier gas counterparts. They also allow are less bulky, which allows for grilling on the go, and are a smarter option for those who only barbecue a few days throughout the warmer months.
Bottom line: If cooking out isn't the norm, it's probably wise to go charcoal. However, if backyard cooking is a favorite summer past-time, invest in a gas grill.
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