Thursday, December 18, 2008

Stay connected and save big on basic services

Household services such as cable, internet and telephone connections can be a big drain on the budget every month. Looking for deals and finding the best combination of services to match your household’s needs can lead to lots of savings.

Switching from a traditional landline telephone connection to Skype, the internet based calling service, can be very cost-effective. On Skype it's free to call other Skype members and their rates for calling landlines, even international ones, can be much lower than traditional providers. In addition, with many households already paying for at least one cell phone connection, internet based calling can easily provide a replacement for landlines.

If your household is committed to keeping its landline, however, be sure to find out if your provider offers bundled packages. Some companies offer telephone, internet, and cable for one monthly rate. Beware of introductory rates that make switching seem attractive but ultimately lead to higher bills.

Customers that currently get their services from different providers may be in a good position to negotiate, as well. Providers will sometimes match their competitors’ prices for certain services to prevent losing business. Don’t be afraid to ask for upgrades or other perks, especially if you’ve been a customer for a long time.
If you’re paying for services that you’re not utilizing, however, don’t waste any time in pulling the plug.

Click here for 33% off three or 12-month calling subscriptions from Skype

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